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EV and Hybrid Myths Debunked

EV and hybrid cars are relatively new to the automotive market, many think that this technology is the way forward to a more sustainable future. However, there are people that criticise the new and developing systems and technologies, due to not knowing all the facts. 

There are several myths surrounding EV and hybrid vehicles so here are 5 misconceptions and the reality behind them. 

Electric Vehicles Are Too Expensive.

We start with a myth that is widely believed and that stops lots of people from investing in the new electric car market: The price tag. 

When you first see the cost of an electric vehicle of your liking you may be inclined not to go ahead with the purchase due to it being more expensive than an average petrol or diesel car however, you should look at the bigger picture. Think about the future as the costs of running an EV, compared to a petrol or diesel car, are significantly lower and you’ll be saving money in the long run.

On average it costs about 1p per mile when you charge an electric car using off-peak electricity. The cost of maintenance is considerably lower too, due to the car having fewer moving parts. 

As electric vehicles produce zero emissions this means that you won’t have to pay any road tax, adding to your long-run savings.

CUPRA electric vehicle

The Battery Will Need Replacing Every 5 Years. 

There are currently over 10 million electric vehicles on the roads and there is no evidence that the lifespan of their batteries is any different from petrol or diesel cars. 

As well as the batteries having an excellent life span, manufacturers provide a warranty of around 8 years when you buy an electric vehicle, roughly 100,000 miles. 

The continuous improvement of battery technology allows for more electrical energy to be stored in a smaller, lighter battery as well as developing its longevity. 

EVs Don’t Have the Battery Range to Travel As Far As People Need

On average, in the UK, 99% of the journeys that individuals make are under 100 miles. The average mile range of an electric vehicle is 181. This means that an electric vehicle is more than capable of providing enough mileage to meet most drivers' needs. 

However, not all people drive short journeys, so can electric vehicles cater to long commuters’ needs as well? Yes, there are over 20 EV models that provide a 200+ mile range, making longer trips possible without the need to charge your vehicle several times.

There are a few models on the market that come with a 270-mile range as well, allowing you to get from Southampton to York in one charge for instance. 

Even if you had to make an extra-long journey you can stop once or twice and charge your EV at a rapid charging point. This will charge your car up to 80% in 30 minutes on average. The time it would take for a sit-down and a coffee. 

MG EV charging

There Aren’t Enough Charge Points, And They Are Too Slow.

In the UK alone there are 42,000 charging points in 15,500 locations. 

A study showed that the UK has more rapid chargers every 100 miles than any other country in Europe. This is yet to grow with around 500 new chargers being added to the UK’s road network each month. 

The infrastructure in the UK allows an EV driver to be never more than 25 miles away from a rapid charging point mainly found on motorways and A roads. 

The invention of home charging points has also massively increased with EV and hybrid drivers now being able to charge their vehicles overnight thanks to their home chargers.

EV charging pods

Electric Cars Can’t Be Towed.

The misconception that EVs can’t be towed is very common. You can tow an EV, you just have to be careful.

If your electric vehicle has broken down and you are in immediate danger your EV can be towed out of the way to safety.  This must be done slowly and by professionals.

For any long-distance and high-speed towing, an electric car cannot be towed unless all 4 wheels are off the ground. The best option for this is to use a flatbed truck specifically used for carrying cars. 

RAC and AA have developed the ‘All-Wheels-Up’ recovery. This allows your vehicle to be put on a trailer with all four wheels off the ground and be towed to safety or the nearest garage. If your car hasn’t broken down but has just run out of battery, they will be able to send out a mechanic that has a charger installed in their van. They will then charge your car to a mileage that allows you to get to the nearest charging station and in no time, you will be on your way. 

To enquire about an electric car or to find out more, get in touch with our friendly team here at Perrys. 



Tags: *Ev *Electric_Cars *Charging_Points *Rapid_Charging *Battery_Range *Expensive *Maintenance

Written by Lois | 6 min read
07 Apr 2022