Essential Tyres Checks to Do Before Going on Holiday
With summer approaching, it's important to be mindful of a few things before you head off on your holiday. One of the most important things is to conduct a tyre check, as they are the most important component of your vehicle. And if your tyres are not in good condition, it can get quite dangerous for you and other road users. Hence, we’ve compiled a list of tyre checks for you to carry out.
Check Your Tyres Pressure:
The first and foremost thing to check before you start your road trip is your vehicle’s tyre pressure. Driving with improper inflation can lead to risky situations, such as tyre punctures, tyre damage, etc. The best way to check your tyre pressure is when they are cold, i.e., before starting your journey. You can do this at home, or from the nearest petrol station that has an air pump.
To find the recommended tyre pressure for your vehicle, check the sticker on the inside of the driver’s door. If you don’t find it there, you can consult your car’s user manual. Ensure all the tyres are inflated correctly, as the front of the tyres usually requires higher pressure than the rear or vice versa, depending on your vehicle’s model and make. Also, remember to check the fifth tyre (spare tyre) in your boot (if any), as you never know when it might come to the rescue.
It's risky to drive with over-inflated tyres or under-inflated tyres. The only safe way to drive is with the correct tyre pressure. If you have mistakenly overfilled your tyre, keep the valve caps open until all excessive air is released. Maintaining proper air pressure will also improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Check Your Tyres Condition:
It’s always a good idea to check the condition of your tyres before going on a trip. If you notice a small damage, getting it fixed beforehand is better than waiting for it to become a bigger issue. Check for any objects stuck on your tyres, such as small chips or other sticky substances. Sometimes, if these objects are sharp enough, they can pierce your tyre tread when the wheels rotate.
Look for any cracks, bulges or other wear and tear indications on your tyres. You should also clean any oil or dirt that is visible on your tyres with a mild soap or a detergent, as leaving them on the tyres for long can soften the rubber and lead to a tyre puncture.

Check Your Tyre Tread Depth:
Tyre tread depth is associated with the safety of your car and is measured in millimetres. If your vehicle’s tread depth is low, the tyres will not have a grip on the road. The minimum legal tread depth for a tyre is 1.6mm. If you drive with a lower tread depth, you could also face a fine of up to £2500 for each tyre and three penalty points per tyre.
Checking a tyre’s tread depth is simple and can be done at home using a 20p coin. Insert a 20p coin in the groove of the tyre and if the outer edge of the coin is covered, it means that your tyre’s tread depth is okay. If you can see the coin's outer circumference, the tread depth may be below the legal limit. Though the minimum tyre tread depth limit is 1.6mm, changing them once they reach 2mm in summer and 3mm in winter for better safety is recommended. Our team of expert can help you with all your tyre troubles, contact our aftersales specialists for more advice.

We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of tyre checks before going on a holiday. If you are unsure how to check your tyres or find any problems during your inspection, please do not hesitate to contact us or visit your nearest Perrys dealership for expert advice.
*Car_Tyre *Tyre_Pressure *Tyre_tread *Road_Trip *Tyre_Safety_Check